
Ready to share your experience of racism while working at Amnesty? Click ‘Tell us anonymously’ below. You can share your experience in English, French or Spanish. 

If you would like more information about the platform and support available, please head over to the ‘Support’ section.

Cliquez ici pour afficher ce contenu en français. La version traduite s’ouvrira dans un onglet séparé. Veuillez fermer l’onglet et continuer à remplir le questionnaire sur cette page lorsque vous serez prêt·e.

Haga clic aquí para ver este texto en español. Las traducciones se abrirán en una pestaña separada. Cierre la pestaña separada y continúe completando el formulario en esta página cuando esté listo. 

Reporting takes between 15 - 30 minutes.

If you are experiencing technical issues when using this platform, please raise a clarity ticket with IT. Please do not share any of the information from your report with them. If you do not feel comfortable contacting IT, you can raise a technical issue with the project team at

You can tell us what happened through this website