Raising a Formal Grievance
The formal grievance procedure is designed to resolve problems or concerns relating to bullying, harassment, or unfair treatment. Contact your line manager or Union rep for more details. You can read the full grievance policy on Nolwazi.

Dialogue and Mediation
Informal concerns or grievances can be raised with a manager and/or Human Resources. Mediation may be proposed to collectively resolve issues and rebuild relationships. For more information, please view the Mediation Policy (Nolwazi).

Unite the Union
Amnesty International Secretariat recognizes Unite as the trade union for all of its staff - wherever they are based. The main function of the trade union is to act as a collective voice for its members. As well as leading negotiations with management over pay, terms and conditions of employment and other issues affecting staff, the Union can also help you if you have an individual workplace grievance or are facing disciplinary action. Any IS staff member, whether permanent or temporary, full-time or part-time, can join the union. For more information see Staff networks and the Union (Sharepoint) or if you would like to join or contact the Union for further information/advice, please email unite@amnesty.org

Staff Networks
There are a number of affinity groups and networks at Amnesty where you can connect with colleagues. For more information on FORWARD, the staff-led anti-racism group, and other groups and networks, please visit Staff networks and the Union (sharepoint).

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