What will I be asked?
When submitting an entry on the Mapping Racism at Amnesty Platform, you will be asked a mixture of qualitative and quantitative questions. This helps us identify trends in the experiences being shared and map lived realities through your own descriptions. 

Some people may prefer to think about what they would like to share before accessing the platform. To help with this, the questions that the platform will ask are shared below. Some of these questions will provide multiple choice answers, whereas others invite you to share in your own words. All questions are optional.

The Questions  
  • Are you sharing a personal experience, sharing on behalf of someone else, or sharing as a witness?
  • In this form, do you wish to talk about a single incident, a series of isolated incidents, a pattern of behaviour or institutional failures?  
  • Where did the racist incident(s)/pattern take place? 
  • When did the incident(s), experience or pattern occur or begin to occur?
  • Was the racist incident(s) or pattern committed or initiated by an individual or a group?
  • Who was the perpetrator(s) in relation to the target? 
  • What happened? Try to describe the racist incident(s) or pattern you experienced or observed, including what led up to the event or situation if relevant. Please avoid using names or other identifying information, as these would have to be carefully removed from the data before we can use it in our analysis and reporting. You can describe more than one incident in your answer. You can also describe a policy, procedure, cultural or institutional practice that you believe is or have experienced as racist.
  • Is the incident(s) or pattern ongoing? 
  • Following the incident(s) or experience, did anything further happen? Or were there further implications you’d like to tell us about, including any implications if you tried to raise it with a person directly or with a manager? Please describe any outcomes.
  • If the incident or issue remains unresolved, or was resolved in a way you found to be insufficient, what solution(s) would you like to see?
  • What kinds of behaviour or emotions did the perpetrator(s) display or direct at the target of racism during the incident(s)? 
  • What feelings or emotions did you personally experience during or as a result of the racist incident(s) or pattern? 
  • What physical reactions did you personally experience during or as a result of the racist incident(s) or pattern? 
  • What, if any, consequences have the racist incident(s) or pattern had in your life as the target or witness? 
  • Has this racist incident(s) or pattern made you feel like your job is at risk or negatively impacted your work experience or prospects of career development at Amnesty? 
  • Have you spoken to anybody about the incident or experience? If so, whom? 
  • If you did speak to someone else within Amnesty about the incident, was it helpful? Please explain why, or why not?   
  • Please explain if further action was taken as a result of these conversations. 
  • How often have you experienced or witnessed racist incidents or patterns at Amnesty, whether as a target or as a witness?
  • Is there any other information about the incident(s)/pattern you want to share?
  • Please describe your race and/or ethnicity if you are making the report submission on behalf of yourself as the target of, or witness to racism. If you are making the report submission on behalf of someone else, please indicate their racial/ethnic identity as they self-identify.
  • Do you and/or others identify you (as the target, witness, or the person you are reporting on behalf of) as a person of colour/racialized person? 
  • Please describe any intersecting identities (e.g., gender, sexual orientation, ability, age, class background, national origin, caste, descent, religious belief, colour, education level, immigration status, speaker of a particular language) that you feel are relevant to contextualize what you shared. 
  • Please indicate what type of employment contract the target of racism held at the time of the incident or issue being shared if you believe this is of relevance to the issue. 

You can tell us what happened through this website